Copyright and Limitation of Liability
All content posted on this website belongs solely to the customers who have provided it for publication. The company (or individuals) managing this website is not responsible for the authenticity, accuracy, or legality of this content.
Photographs, videos, texts, and other forms of information posted on the website have been provided by the customers. They are responsible for ensuring that all necessary rights, licenses, permissions, and copyrights for this content are obtained. Any claims or disputes related to this content should be directed to the respective customers who are the lawful owners of the content.
The company (or individuals) managing the website respects copyright laws and takes measures to remove illegal or copyright-infringing content upon request from the rightful owners. However, it cannot guarantee the complete accuracy and authenticity of the provided content as it does not have full control over the creation or provision of information by the customers.
If you believe that the content posted on the website violates your copyrights or the rights of third parties, it is recommended to contact the respective customer to request a review of your complaint and appropriate action. The company (or individuals) managing the website will assist in resolving such claims to the best of their abilities and in accordance with applicable laws.
Overall, the responsibility for the content posted on this website rests entirely with the customers who have provided it for publication. The company (or individuals) managing the website serves only as a platform for information exchange and is not liable for the content of this content.

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